Increase your eCommerce Sales with Advanced Merchandising Solutions

From personalized product recommendations to optimized search results, we help create a seamless shopping experience that drives sales and boosts customer satisfaction.

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Increase your eCommerce Sales with Advanced Merchandising Solutions
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12.5% Increase in order value
30% Improvement in average spent time
40% Fall in visitor dropout

What is Merchandising in eCommerce?

What is Merchandising in eCommerce

eCommerce merchandising involves strategically displaying products online to enhance the shopping experience and drive sales. It includes activities such as product recommendations, visual displays, categorization, and inventory management to create an engaging shopping journey.

eCommerce Merchandising Strategies

  1. Personalization:Tailor product recommendations based on customer behavior and preferences.
  2. Dynamic Displays:Adjust product displays based on trends, seasons, and customer actions.
  3. Inventory Management:Ensure popular items are always in stock and reduce overstock.
  4. Advanced Filtering:Provide intuitive filtering options to help customers find products quickly.
  5. Campaigns:Create time-based promotional campaigns for seasonal and special events.


Product Visibility and Promotion Management

Product Visibility and Promotion Management

  • Pinning Products :Merchants can pin specific products to the top of a collection or search results page, ensuring high-priority or best-selling items receive maximum visibility.
  • Promoting Products :Promote products directly from the catalog interface to highlight featured items within a collection, increasing visibility of popular or high-margin products.
  • Hiding Products :Hide out-of-stock or temporarily unavailable products to manage customer expectations and reduce frustration.
Add Banner

Add Banner

  • Title and Upload :Create banners for promotions with specific titles and upload custom images.
  • URL Linking :Link banners to specific URLs to direct traffic to promotional pages or featured products.
  • Display Settings :Display banners on specific collection or search pages, enhancing targeted promotions.
  • Collection List :Select specific collections for banner display to ensure relevant promotions.
  • Position and Device Settings :Choose the banner's position on the page and specify visibility on desktop, mobile, or both.


  • Search Optimization :Adding synonyms ensures search queries return relevant results, improving search accuracy and customer satisfaction.
  • Two-way Synonyms :Enhance the search function by recognizing different words with the same meaning, making product discovery easier.


  • Keyword-based Redirects :Create redirects based on specific keywords to direct customers to relevant products or pages.
  • URL Customization :Set custom URLs for redirects, allowing for precise control over user navigation.
Collection Page Settings

Collection Page Settings

  • Filters and Search Box :Enable filters and search boxes on collection pages, allowing customers to refine their search and find products quickly.
  • Product Display Options :Settings for the number of products displayed per page and the number of columns per row, providing flexibility in product presentation.
  • Sort and Paging Controls :Options to set default sort attributes and paging controls, ensuring a smooth browsing experience.
Dropdown Settings

Dropdown Settings

  • Search Dropdown Display :Enable a dropdown search widget that shows products, collections, pages, and blogs, enhancing navigation and product discovery.
  • Visibility and Count Settings :Control the visibility of the dropdown and the number of items displayed, ensuring a balanced and user-friendly interface.
General Settings

General Settings

  • Currency Settings :Set default currency and currency decimals, ensuring consistent pricing display across the store.
  • Item Visibility :Options to hide out-of-stock items and manage product visibility, ensuring customers only see available products.
  • Search Fields :Customizable search settings to define which fields are indexed and searchable, optimizing search results.


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eCommerce Merchandising Benefits

  1. Boost Sales with Personalized Recommendations

    Utilize AI-driven product recommendations to show customers exactly what they’re looking for, increasing the likelihood of purchase.

  2. Improve Customer Engagement

    Enhance the shopping journey with dynamic search filters and tailored product displays that keep customers engaged longer.

  3. Optimize Inventory Management

    Intelligent merchandising tools help you manage your inventory efficiently, ensuring popular items are always in stock and reducing overstock issues.

  4. Enhance User Experience

    Create a seamless and enjoyable shopping experience with advanced filtering options, easy navigation, and fast, relevant search results.

  5. Increase Conversion Rates

    With smarter product displays and relevant search results, turn more visitors into customers and watch your conversion rates soar.

Got any questions?

Find the answers you need

eCommerce merchandising involves strategically displaying products on an online store to enhance the shopping experience and drive sales. It includes activities such as product recommendations, visual displays, and inventory management to create an engaging shopping journey.

Effective eCommerce merchandising strategies include personalization of product recommendations, dynamic product displays, advanced filtering options, seasonal campaigns, and optimized inventory management.

eCommerce merchandising tools include AI-powered product recommendation engines, advanced search filters, dynamic display tools, real-time analytics platforms, and inventory management systems.

Marketing involves promoting and selling products or services, focusing on customer attraction and retention. Merchandising, on the other hand, focuses on the presentation and promotion of products within the store to enhance the shopping experience and increase sales.

Best practices for eCommerce visual merchandising include using high-quality product images, creating visually appealing and organized product displays, utilizing video and 360-degree views, ensuring mobile optimization, and implementing effective cross-selling and upselling techniques.

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